Lesson Steps
Each tutoring session is expected to take about 30 minutes. You likely won’t have time for all the steps every time. Establish a routine that you follow each week. You can add content from the UFLI lessons to your lesson plan.
Be sure your weekly routine starts with a personal check-in to build your relationship with your student. You might start with a question or two from the Question Game in the Lit Kit!
You may not be able to do all these steps every time you meet your student and that’s okay!
This lesson template can guide your planning.
Review previous concepts
During review, you’ll do some quick practice with concepts your student has already learned to consolidate that learning.
Introduce new concept
This section will show you how to explicitly introduce a new phonics concept.
Introduce irregular words
Sometimes you’ll need to help students remember how to spell high frequency words that don’t follow expected spelling patterns.
Play games
Playing games helps children practice the new concepts you teach to them.
Student read-aloud
The student read aloud page will provide digital texts your students can read to you and tips for guiding them as they read.
Adult read-aloud
The adult read aloud page will help you to choose excellent books and engage in rich conversations about those books.
Discuss home practice
You can provide your student with some of these suggested activities to practice before you see them next.
Reflect with your students
At the end of each tutoring day, you can invite your students to share what they liked or would like to do next time and you can reflect on what you have observed.